Sunday, May 09, 2004


If you have read this and my other blogs, you probably notice I am a bit blog addicted. I love to read,investigate,post, and find interesting blogs and sites to visit.

Not so long ago I was looking for blogs written by Journalist around the country and around the world. I found a useful link at CYBERJOURNALIST.NET they have a list of J-blogs(Journalist Blogs)links. I looked at several of them, but the one that I enjoyed the most is called "Infomaniac:Behind the News."

Elizabeth Donovan
is the person that runs this page, and I enjoy reading it because she gives all kinds of useful and out of the ordinary links for her readers to access. Donovan is a reporter that writes for the Miami Herald and has another blog that is part of this news paper.

I decided to contact Donovan asking her to visit this blog and give me some good advice on how can I improve it. I want to thank Ms. Donovan for answering my email in great detail she gave my good tips and pointers I will certainly consider to improve my Smart Sexy News Blog.

Here are some of the sugestions she gave me:

"Make the graphic smaller so it fits at top of a column rather than taking up a whole column by itself."

"Finding a theme and sticking with it will make your blog more useful for readers...a news blog focusing on local news, environmental news, celebrity news, or such, could have better chances of success."

"Find things you can't find anywhere else easily."

Donovan gave me many more details that I will now work on, but I just wanted to show you some examples you might want to consider when editing and posting in your blog. I haven't yet defined this blogs news theme, but I would like to hear from people who read my posts, what would you like me to write about? For example, Ms.Donovan said "I like that you seem to be focusing on Chicago news but if that's what you want to do
you may need to spread out and link to more than just what's in the big papers." Now I will consider adding more sources to add credibility to my posts.

If you want to find interesting and unusual links to web pages visit her at


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