Sunday, May 16, 2004


It looks like Illinois will not be the only state that plans to add a casino for recreational purposes. But where else could you imagine another casino? Indiana, Georgia, Arizona, or Nevada are not the case.

What if I say the last name Schwarzenegger or to make it clearer California Governor Schwarzenegger. According to the San Diego Union Tribune, Gov. Schwarzenegger "has quietly made a series of decisions that could unleash Indian gambling and open the door to Nevada-style casinos almost anywhere in California."

If you think California doesn't have many casinos, visit the California Casinos web page which provides detailed information on existing casinos in that state. They also have a section destined for the Indian Casinos in California, both links provide a map where you can see the location of these places and visually see there are tons of casinos in that State. In fact, the California Casinos' web page has 126 operating casinos registered.

Reports from the SD tribune say the California Governor is giving Indian reserves the option of having as many slot machines as they want for one price; also, the areas where casinos could be built in the future could include "urban settings," according to James P. Sweeney who wrote the article.

With these and other offers Schwarzenegger has made to the Indian tribes, many located in Nevada are considering this as an expanding opportunity.

For detailed information read James P. Sweeney's article at the SD Tribune's official web site.


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