Wednesday, May 19, 2004


With about 9.1 million viewers between the ages of 18 to 49, "The Swan" a reality show produced by Fox is getting an overall 4.2 rating according to

For those who have not watched or read about it. "The Swan" deals with a complete makeover of women with low self esteem because they have some type of physical issues that make them think they are 'ugly ducklings.'

For these and other reasons the complete makeover package includes plastic surgeries,diets,personal training, psychological counseling and much more. Everything done in front of the camera. Sixteen women between 20 and 40 years of age were selected for these show and half of them will go on to a beauty pageant were they will compete for the title of the 'Ultimate Swan.'

The interesting characteristic of the contest is that the reality pageant contestants can't see how they look in a mirror when all the makeover process is happening, so they have to trust the professionals that were hired for the show.

They are:
Andrew Caster - Laser Eye Surgeon
Greg Comeaux - Fitness Trainer
Terry J. Dubrow - Cosmetic Surgeon
Nely Galan - Life Coach
Randal Digby Haworth - Cosmetic Surgeon
Debra Luftman dermatologist
Dr. Lynn - Therapist
Sherri Worth - Cosmetics & Dentist

Dr. Lynn is the one that has gotten the most attention from the media because according to The smoking, she received her Ph.D. from an uncertified correspondence school in California.

Anyways I don't want to focus on the doctor this time. From the 18 contestants, Kathy is from Lake Villa Illinois, and Dawn is from Hobart Indiana, but they have already been disqualified for the final 'ultimate swan pageant.'

Even thought these two Midwest representatives are not in the show anymore, several Columbia College Students said they have watched the show at least twice, and they talked with me about what they like and don't like about this show.

Catherine Wolf, a senior magazine journalism major, says she started watching the show partially because she had curiosity of seeing how these women's physical apearance changed, but she thinks "it's sad that people need to go to a show like that to change their appearance." Freshmen Ivette Somarriva has a similar opinion she says "it's very superficial because they put these women on something like a circus." Somarriva started watching the show along with her roommates because it came on after American Idol, and at the beginning they all thought it was a new concept in reality TV and the makeovers were impressive, but as the show progressed they realized it had a shallow concept.

On the other hand,Sophomore John Wicencyjusz hasn't seen the show at all he says, "the previews look pretty degrading for most of the parts." Wicencyjusz is not interested in reality shows because "they are just producers's ideas" and they lack of a well developed script.

Vanessa Saucedo, believes the show might be "detrimental to women" since many of the participants have expressed they have serious emotional and self esteem problems. Evelyn Oropeza does not agree with Saucedo she says, "it's a good idea especially for young women who don't have confidence in themselves." Oropeza has participated in beauty pageants, and for this reason she thinks "The Swan" is a positive experience for those women who never imagined they could be part of a contest like this one. When I asked Oropeza if she would join a pageant like this one she said, "if I were to look like Roseanne definitely."

If you or someone you know is interested in participating in the second season of "The Swan" visit "The Swan's Casting Web Page." If you are a fan of the show you might be interested in joining the yahoo groops swan club or you might want to follow your favorite Swan on the next season of this show called "Where are they now."


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